Yaesu FT 857

Yaesu FT-857 Multimode Amateur Transceiver

The Yaesu FT-857 is the worlds's smallest HF/VHF/UHF multimode amateur transceiver. But don't let the diminutive size fool you. The FT-857 is loaded with features, high power output and a receiver that blends the renowned performance of the FT-897 and FT-1000 Mark V. It provides coverage of the 160 to 6 meter bands plus the 144 MHz and 430 MHz bands! The ergonomic layout and large tuning knob insure safe mobile operation. And look at the receive coverage: 0.1-56, 76-108, 118-164 and 420-470 MHz. The front panel is removable and it is remotable with the optional YSK-857 separation kit. Refinements include: spectrum display, 32 color display, beacon mode, keyer, 200 alphanumeric memories and CTCSS.

The FT-857 rear panel features an SO239 input for your HF/6M antenna, and an SO-239 input for your 2M/440 MHz antenna. Includes MH31A8J hand mic, mounting bracket, DC power cord, spare ATC fuses. The optional YSK-857 allows remoting the head.


  • 160-2 meters +440
  • Electronic Keyer
  • 200 Alpha Memories
  • DSP Option
  • 100 Watts HF Output
  • 50 Watts 2 Meter Output
  • 20 Watts 440 MHz Output
  • Spectrum Display

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